One for All! Off Grid Solar Home System is All You Need!


By hqt

The desire for a better-quality life is the inevitable end when people’s basic life demands are satisfied. And this is also our ultimate goal—improve BOP people’s life with solar power. Entertainment would be a certain express of the desire for better-quality life. Therefore, the products like TV and radio is easily access and relatively cheap compare to other electric products. So, all they need is a device that can power the products like that.

Unlike other products that only designed for satisfying one or two purposes, this time we would like to develop a system that serves a whole family, a system that can meet their different demands.

We called this system Energy Box because it can charge people both physically (satisfy their life demand) and mentally (satisfy their needs in entertainment). One for all, that is all they need!

 Energy Box is the first generation of this series, we made lots of new attempts. The biggest try is that we combined entertainment and power supply function into one device.

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