Super Plus joy! Power Solution’s solar home system was officially announced on the VeraSol website.
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On July 21, 2021, the Power Solution’s solar home system was published on the VeraSol official website!

That was the 26th Power-solution products that meets the VeraSol certification. It accounts for 1/10 of all VeraSol products.
Meanwhile, Power-Solution is also providing reliable and stable quality solar products for 1/6 of the VeraSol members.
It is reported that Lighting Global (the predecessor of VeraSol) was established at the end of 2011, and the products of Power-Solution passed LG certification in April 2012. In other words, Power-Solution was the first batch of companies in the world to pass the certification of Lighting Global.
What is a VeraSol certificate?
VeraSol is an updated version of Lighting Global.
Lighting Global is an initiative of the World Bank Group to rapidly increase the availability of off-grid solar energy for the 789 million people living without electricity worldwide.
“Lighting Global” managed by the International Finance Corporation and the World Bank, with the support of the Energy Sector Management Assistant Program (ESMAP), cooperates with manufacturers, distributors, governments and other development partners to jointly establish and develop the modern off-grid solar market.
Lighting Global’s plan is supported by ESMAP, Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Agency (PPIAF), Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) and the IKEA Foundation
So far, nearly 180 million people have benefited from the use of “Lighting Global” quality certified solar products, and more than 52 million people are currently using these products to meet their basic (level 1) electricity needs.
Since 2009, more than 42 million quality-proven products have been sold.
Since then, due to the use of quality-proven products, approximately 47 million tons of CO2 emissions have been avoided.
What are the benefits of a VeraSol certificate?
Lighting Global requirements:
Participating in the bidding of solar energy systems must have IEC/Lighting Global Quality Standard Certification. The Lighting Global Project and its related regional projects-Lighting Africa and Lighting Asia, are both committed to building a market that can bring consumers high-quality and affordable modern off-grid lighting products.
Supporting client companies to expand the market for their quality certified products is the most important part of this work.
#1 Priority access to market intelligence,
#2 B2B link,
#3 Financing facilities (financing facilities/channels, through equity financing, debt financing)
#4 Participate in consumer promotion activities and business development support.
#5Participate in LG-related business cooperation
#6 Avoid political risks
#7Provide commercial insurance
#8Market Feasibility Study
#9 Technical assistance.
#10Business Roadshow
#11Promote and participate in TV programs that will be broadcast and live broadcast throughout the African continent.
#12 Bonus acquisition.
#13 Commodity sales subsidies, grants.
#14 Priority USD acquisition.
#15 The production and distribution model that supports local entrepreneurship in the supply chain.
#16 Corporate capital injection, interest-free loans.
Power-Solution has become a well-known OEM company in solar lighting industry by now, and has been OEM for more than 1/6 of the famous Lighting Global members for many years. Like:Total、Solar Run、Offgridsun,Freeplay,Mango Energy,Nots Solar,Rahimafrooz,SandiSolar Renewable Energy,The great white light….
Over the years of operation, Power Solution has covered its own products in 66 developing countries around the world, helping 5.44 million households and 38.08 million people living in extreme poverty get rid of darkness at night worldwide, and at the same time saved electricity expenses of 12.36 million USD and reduced 4.24 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions for the planet!