What a surprise!The service life of Power-solution solar products exceeds your imagination
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One of Power-Solution’s Malawi customers named Mr. Motala Mtonga was very happy to give us feedback on our solar products, he said that he had been using this stuff now 6 years but still strong and people need that type but can’t find it in town.

Most of our solar products can be used for 3-5 years, but our products have been used by this customer for six years, it seems that it can be used longer which also shows that the quality of our products is very good.Finally,he is very happy to welcome us to taste their local delicacies.
Power-Solution is committed to clean energy to improve the living environment of the global BOP population, and we also strive to enable every BOP family to use our solar products. Power-Solution hopes that more people will join us and let more light enter the BOP family.